Friday, May 29, 2015

The 2nd Annual Pastry Test

In Physical Education during the Winter months, we are stuck inside and one of the ways we keep the students in shape is, by having them do a running test called the Pacer Test. This test, teaches the students how to pace themselves while running. Last year when I was explaining how this works, one student thought I said, "Pastry Test" and then it was born. What was decided with that class, is that at the end of the school year we would have a Pastry Test, where everyone would bring something sweat or healthy in and we would have a relaxing hour of play and snack. Below are the pictures from this year's class that earned it. How does a class earn this you ask? Good question! The class that understands the best what we are trying to accomplish in P.E. The class that helps one another the most, the class that doesn't waste time arguing and gives their overall best effort.  Below are some pictures of this year's deserving class.

2nd Annual Pastry Test

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